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#7. Individual Biology & History in Training Design

As we continue our series on the different parts of what makes specific training functional, next up is considering the individual biology and the history of the individual’s training. In training, as we said before, people are constructs of biology.  This means...

#6. How to Properly Program for Sport Specificity

On the surface that may seem like it would be a fairly simple idea to grasp; and it is.  However a lot of people lose sight of that when actually designing sport-specific training. Sport-Specific Training is one of the biggest buzzwords in the fitness training...

#5. Transitioning Your Goals Into Training (and Life)

For part 1 of this article, read Viking Blog Post #4 first! Hard Goals and Soft Goals There are a few ways of thinking about goals I’d like to add on to the SMART characteristics.  Another way to think of setting goals is in terms of what I call hard goals and...

#4. Set SMART Goals (like a Viking)

Vikings are known as a culture of not only for ruthlessness but also for achievements; for expanding culture, for expanding ideas, and for doing things that, at the time, were considered awe-inspiring if not impossible.  They were the first people to ever sail...

#3. The Power of Viking Individualization

“everybody should have their own unique customizations in their plan to make their individual plan as specific and well-tailored as possible.” At Viking Performance Training, one of the cornerstones of our philosophy is the individualization of our...